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Faeswyn [The Maidens of Mocmoran 2] Page 4
Faeswyn [The Maidens of Mocmoran 2] Read online
Page 4
Faeswyn smiled at him. “I’m Faeswyn.” She stared intently at Draeis as he seemed to forget about his painful penis, and smiled back at her, glancing quickly at her bosom before giving her a nod.
“You’re beautiful. And”—he grabbed hold of her hand as she started to get up from the bed—“thank you, Faeswyn.”
“I think we should let Naihr fill him in on what’s happened,” Faeswyn said as she tried to shoo the rest of them out of the room. “Let me know if you need anything,” she said to Naihr and Draeis.
“We definitely will,” the two men said together as they smiled, and she closed the door to the bedroom. Glywyn, Draedon, and Theoch made their way back into the living room, but she stood alone in the hallway, glancing at the bedroom door with a sly smile on her face.
Chapter Three
Faeswyn sat out on the back porch with her legs perched on the railing in front of her. It was early that next morning after Naihr and Draeis had come to the house. In the future, she would always have that reference point. The time before the men, and the time after the men.
It was early still. Theoch spent his mornings misting around the kingdom, checking in at different farms to see if they’d seen anything. In the months that he, Draedon, and Glywyn had been at the farm, most of the people in Quith knew about them, and that Theoch was a mist walker. They’d become used to seeing him misting out of thin air, and felt somewhat comforted that he was keeping an eye out for royal guards. If they only knew, she thought.
Glywyn and Draedon were at Glaeonawyn’s home for Glywyn’s prenatal checkup. Drisa, being the rural farming kingdom it was, didn’t have any hospitals except for one in the capital city of Daenisnae. Most of the people of Quith and the smaller communities depended on healers or rural medicine, using local herbs and salves. Going to the hospital in Daenisnae was impractical since it was over two hundred miles away. Draedon and Glywyn would let Glaeonawyn check Glywyn out, and then they would sit for a visit and some of her homemade honey cake.
Glaeonawyn was stopping by later on that evening to check on Draeis, but he was doing a thousand times better. He was already walking around, and had eaten breakfast that morning. He was still sleeping a lot, suffering from some of the effects of the fairy entrancement, but it was part of the healing process.
She sipped on her cofae tea, letting the light morning breeze blow through her legs, and not caring that her dress was probably showing more of her legs than any proper Mocmoran woman should show. But then, she never said she was a proper Mocmoran woman.
“Would I be bothering you if I came outside to sit?” Naihr said through the screen door.
Faeswyn quickly pulled her dress down to cover more of her legs. “No. Come on out.”
Naihr walked out onto the porch, taking a seat in the chair next to her. “Thank you for the cofae tea. I can’t remember a time when I’ve had something that tasted so good. This,” he said, holding his mug up to her, “and that breakfast you made for all of us this morning.”
“My pleasure,” she said, staring at him. “I enjoy cooking. For the longest time, I could only cook for myself. That’s not too much fun.”
“I was surprised to know that you live alone here.” He stared out onto the hills in the distance. She knew he was fishing for information. He didn’t have to. He told them more than he had to the day before. She wanted to know him. “At first, I thought either Draedon or Theoch was your husband.”
Faeswyn giggled. “No. They only have eyes, and hearts, for Glywyn. I was married, though. A few years ago.”
Naihr frowned in concern. “His essence has passed?”
“Willingly. He killed my lover, and then himself.” She turned to look closer at him, to see his reaction to what she said.
“I see.”
“Does that surprise you, that I was married and had a lover?”
“To be polite, I’m supposed to say no. But, yes I am,” he said. She smiled, satisfied. “You wanted me to be surprised. Why?”
“I wanted to see if you would judge me. I’m Mocmoran vaedra. My husband knew that when he married me. I love sex. He knew that also, yet he refused to let me release my vaedra aura. Have you ever seen a plant or flower that was denied sunlight? Water?”
Naihr nodded. “They wither and die.”
“Yes,” she said, standing up from the chair to lean her butt against the railing of the porch. “They wither and die. I was withering and dying. So I asked my husband if he would mind if I took a lover. He said he didn’t. For some vaedra, one man will never be enough for them. Not all vaedra need more than one lover, but some do. I’m one of those some,” she said with a smile. “The myths are wrong. We won’t kill a man from our sexuality—making love to them—but if we aren’t allowed to fully be vaedra, we can wither and die. My lover let me be who I am. I still loved my husband, but I also loved my lover. That’s Draedon, Theoch, and Glywyn. She loves them both, and they let her be who she is. Vaedra.”
His gaze was intense as he looked at her. “What happened to your husband? Your lover?”
“I’m not exactly sure what happened. I only know that Nosved—my lover—was found strangled in his home, and my husband came home, went into the barn, and shot himself in the head with a tracer. But I told myself that I will never let another man stifle what I am. I want to find my soulmates. The men that will let me be vaedra, and aren’t afraid of me showing my sexuality openly.” She stood with her back to the railing, knowing how it accentuated her body. “You don’t have to look away,” she said as Naihr tried to stare at anything but the way her body was being presented in front of him. “Look at me, if that’s what you want.”
He stood, bringing their bodies close. He gazed down at her as she smiled at him. “I was a guard in the Gonwrath Tombs for four years, Faeswyn. Do you know what that means?” Faeswyn shook her head. “It means that I haven’t been with a woman in that time. It wasn’t allowed. We patrolled the tombs, and slept in the bunk house on the rock in shifts. That was my life for a very long time. Rarely, did we have down time. But when we did, we slept.”
“So…?” Faeswyn stared at him knowingly. “I’d say you were due,” she said, walking past him, and making sure her body brushed along his as she did so. She turned to smile slyly at him before she went into the house.
She went to the sink to start on the breakfast dishes. Naihr walked in the door, and their eyes met. He coughed slightly, as if to clear his throat. “Do you need any help? I can dry.”
She nodded to him. “Thank you. I don’t have an auto-cleaner. Never saw the need with only me in the house.”
Naihr took a cloth from the rack on the wall, and started to dry a dish she rinsed and placed to the side. “We had to do our own domestic work at the prison. Dishes, clothes, sweeping, and mopping. And there was none of the technological machines that many people have in their homes now.”
“So”—she smiled at him—“it’s safe to say that you have a lot of…skills?”
When he looked at her, that feeling was there again. That tightening in her chest, and in her vagina. There was no question that he was a very attractive man. But when she was near him, she couldn’t help flirting with him. A man that hadn’t been with a woman in four years. It was as though she were poking the thrihn cat with a stick, wanting him to pounce.
Naihr smiled at her, taking another dish in his hands to dry. They both turned around at hearing a sound in the hallway. Draeis appeared, walking slowly, but walking.
“Draeis? Shit,” Naihr said, going over to his friend. “Are you sure you should be up and walking?”
“Naihr, it’s amazing. I feel a hundred times better than I did only an hour ago. I can’t explain it,” Draeis said, looking at Naihr in disbelief.
“It’s Glaeonawyn,” Faeswyn said as Naihr and Draeis sat down at the table. “Her aura. I told you she’s a healer. She used her aura to heal you, Draeis. But the speed that you heal is up to you. You want to get better, so you are.”
bsp; Draeis was staring intently at her. His gaze wandering over her body in appreciation. When his eyes came back to hers, she gave him a knowing look, but their gazes remained on each other. “So does that mean I’ll be myself by tomorrow?”
Faeswyn shrugged her shoulders. “Depends on how badly you want it,” she said, smiling at her play with her words.
“Is that right?” Draeis said.
Glywyn and Draedon walked into the kitchen from the back door. Glywyn took one look at the expression on Faeswyn, the smile on Naihr’s face, and the smoldering look Draeis was pinning Faeswyn with, and glared at Faeswyn. Faeswyn only smiled at her, going back to the sink to finish the morning dishes.
* * * *
One afternoon, several days after the men had come to the farm, Draeis and Naihr were left alone at the house. Faeswyn had to check on her animals and crops. Both Naihr and Draeis were surprised to find out that she raised bolsh slugs for profit. They had a hard time understanding how anyone would want to eat the horrid things, but Draedon assured them they did not taste like rancid milk if the vein was removed.
Draeis was astounded at how good he felt. When Glaeonawyn came to check on his progress, he didn’t want to look down at first. But as Glaeonawyn smiled up at him, he couldn’t help himself. There were scars. Several raised, red marks above his penis. A long seven-inch scar along the inside of his right thigh, and three, four inch-long scars she said were under his scrotum. But his penis was intact.
“You’re healing well,” said Glaeonawyn. “I’d say, give you a few days tops, and you’ll be back to your old self.”
Draeis pulled his pants back up. “Does that mean I-I’ll be able to…um…It’ll be…”
“It means, that if you want to know if it will rise to the occasion,” Glaeonawyn said, “you’ll have to get yourself into an occasion. I don’t test drive penises.”
Draeis stared down at the floor. “I don’t think it does anymore,” he said quietly.
Glaeonawyn looked at him. “And why is that? Have you tried masturbating?”
“No, no, no.” He shook his head. “But…Faeswyn. She’s…shit. I’ve never seen a woman that looks like her before, yet my…my—”
“Penis,” Glaeonawyn said sternly.
“Yes. No matter what I’m thinking about her, or what I feel, and I feel something… Believe me”—he nodded—“her body is like a fantasy of pleasure toys any man—”
“I get it, Draeis.”
“Nothing. My dick—penis—my penis doesn’t react. I think I’m impotent.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re impotent, Draeis,” Glaeonawyn said, sighing heavily. “You’ve sustained a very serious injury. In any other instance, you would have died from the blood loss alone. Naihr packing your wound with mud actually helped. That, and the fact that you were lucky enough to come to the one place where you could be seen by a healer. A vaedra with a healing aura. I also used something else, Draeis. For your wounds to heal, I had to make sure you didn’t accidentally make that skin stretch in any way. Understand?” Draeis shook his head. “There was a derivative of thrihn cat toxin in your bandages. It’s very mild, as far as thrihn cat toxin goes. But I used it to keep your penis flaccid in order to heal. I personally, wasn’t expecting you to have such a speedy recovery. So the paralysis you have in your penis could be from that.”
“Could be, you say.”
“Yes. There’s no real way to know for sure unless you use it, Draeis. Sex,” Glaeonawyn said with a smile.
Draeis started to laugh, then coughed from embarrassment. “Oh, um. Thanks, but—I-I mean, you’re a very nice woman, but you’re old enough to be my mother.”
Glaeonawyn only stared at him incredulously with her hand on her hip. “Young man, I wasn’t suggesting you use me to test your injured member. I’m a healer, a mother of five, and a grandmother of twelve. You’re fine. Give the toxin some time to leave your body. If you want to see if you can use it, please don’t involve me.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He sat down in the chair at the end of the bed as Glaeonawyn left the room, and Naihr walked in.
“So?” asked Naihr.
“So she said I’m healing, and that it should work.” Draeis shrugged. “She used thrihn cat toxin to keep it…flaccid in order to heal. I think I’m impotent, Naihr.”
Naihr closed the door, walking over to look down on Draeis with concern. “What makes you think that?”
Draeis stared back at him. “Naihr, I’m a man. Faeswyn? I’ve never seen a woman like her before. She’s fuckin’ beautiful, man.”
“I know,” Naihr said, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Believe me, I know. Her eyes. Her hair. Her—”
“Body,” Draeis said, staring intently at him. “I look at her, and I want her. I know I want her.”
“You? I want her. She’s like a sexual fantasy come to life.”
“Exactly. But nothing, Naihr. My cock doesn’t react the way I thought it would at seeing a woman like Faeswyn. I’m not trying to get too personal about shit, but looking at a woman like her should at least have me semi-hard. You?”
“Oh, my body reacts.” He smiled. “It reacted a lot when she brushed all of that body up against me.”
“No shit?” Draeis thought about what Naihr was saying to him. He may not be the man he was before any longer. If his wounds prevented him from ever having an erection again, he thought about what kind of life he would have. But if a life with a woman like Faeswyn was possible for his friend, that’s what he wanted.
“So, you and Faeswyn…?”
Naihr shook his head. “Draeis, we’ve been here for a little less than a week. I don’t know her. I’m reacting to being close to a woman. You know I haven’t been with a woman sexually in a very long time. Faeswyn is beautiful, sensual, and sexual, but she deserves more than some man that will more than likely release all of his pent up sexual need on her. Any woman deserves more than that.”
“Brother, I doubt you’ll do any damage,” said Draeis. “That’s not the type of man you are.”
Naihr seemed to think on that. Then he turned his stare to Draeis. “That’s not who either of us are. We need to tell them the truth, Draeis. The lie I spun will unravel.”
Draeis shook his head. “That might not be a good idea. I say we leave. We make our way to Haesthoran in the kingdom of Balknae. We take Voetheahr’s invitation to stay with him and his family until things calm down, and then head to the coast and take an air transport over to Jahlmerikahl.”
“It sounds good, but if we tell them the truth, we can stay here. Faeswyn has the ability to glamour, Draeis. That can prove useful if anyone comes to look for us. Staying with Voetheahr will only put him and his family in harm’s way. I can’t do that. I won’t.”
They were both silent for several seconds. Draeis finally nodded. “You’re right. We tell the truth.”
“We tell the truth.”
“Can I ask you one thing?” Draeis asked, looking at him. Naihr nodded. “Is that the real reason you want to stay here? Are you sure it isn’t because of Faeswyn?”
Naihr smiled slyly. “You have to admit, she’s a very good reason.”
“Yes, she is.” The two of them smiled at each other as they playfully slapped each other on the shoulder. “Yes, she is,” Draeis said more seriously. “The truth?”
“The truth,” Naihr said, standing up.
Draeis slowly stood. “If they kick us out, we go with my plan. Agreed?” Naihr nodded in agreement as they both walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway.
Draeis heard the newscast coming from the Tru-View before they entered the living room. “…last Fourthday. In other news, King Gaeldos of Teveoch will open the borders with Yaeltaran and Valwithia for three days. The king stated that it is purely for humanitarian reasons, yet he plans to close them again this coming Thirdday. Hundreds of families will be taking advantage of this opening to reunite with each other since King Gaeldos closed the borders seven months ago.”
nbsp; “By the goddesses,” Glywyn whispered. “Does this mean we can get into Yaeltaran?”
Draedon was smiling along with Theoch. “The border is only going to be open for a few days,” said Theoch. “How the hell are you going to get through it? There’ll be guards. They’ll recognize you. I can mist into Yaeltaran. But you and Draedon will have no other choice but to go through the border crossing.”
“Me,” said Faeswyn. They all looked at her curiously. “I’m your ticket. I can go with you to the bridge. Theoch, you mist walk to the entrance into Yaeltaran and wait for Draedon and Glywyn. I’ll glamour Draedon. Um…” She started to pace the living room. “I don’t think they’ll still be looking for Glywyn. Gaeldos probably thinks she’s dead, which is a good thing since I can’t glamour Glywyn, being pregnant. We get Glaeonawyn’s son Aiolidahr to help us with the documents. We construct a couple going into Yaeltaran. Change Glywyn’s name, of course. Enter them into the system. Don’t worry, Aiolidahr can do it. I glamour Draedon to look like the man. Once they’re through the checkpoint on the Teveoch side, it won’t matter. King Lavaerion is still offering you all sanctuary in Yaelvoch, right?”
“Yes,” Theoch said. “I misted to him last month, and he assured me we have his support.”
“So I just go to Yaesdrah with you, hold a glamour on Draedon until you both pass the Yaeltaran checkpoint, release it, and then head back here,” Faeswyn said confidently.
“Alone?” asked Glywyn. “Not alone, Faeswyn.”
“Not alone,” said Draeis. “I can travel with her. She can glamour me also. That way, she isn’t travelling alone. Naihr can stay here at the farm and watch over your animals, feed them, water them, and make sure they’re well. He can keep an eye out for you.”
Faeswyn nodded, with a smile to Draeis. “Sounds like a plan.”
Glywyn walked over to hug Faeswyn. “I don’t want to leave you. Come with us. Come to Yaeltaran.”
Faeswyn hugged her back. “Sweetie, I’ll miss you. But you have to be there. You, Draedon, and Theoch. It’s your destiny. I won’t leave my farm. I love it here. But this isn’t the last time I’ll see you. I promise.”